Port of Virginia sees double-digit growth in March

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The Port of Virginia has handled a total of 314,698 TEU in March, recording a rise of 12.6% in container volumes, compared to the same month of 2021.

Nearly 47% of these volumes were loaded imports, which completed 148,932 TEU, representing a 14.5% increase over the previous year. At the same time, loaded export saw a slight 1% growth year-on-year, surpassing 95,800 TEU.

"In terms of overall volume, this March ranks as the fourth most productive month in our history," pointed out Stephen A. Edwards, CEO and executive director of the Virginia Port Authority.

As for containers moved by rail, they remained unchanged from the same period of 2021 reaching 53,599 TEU, according to the US port's data.

Edwards said the port’s berth efficiency is expected to be increased with the addition of two new ship-to-shore cranes that were delivered in late March to Norfolk International Terminals’ (NIT).

"Combine this new equipment and the expansion of NIT’s Central Rail Yard and its North Berth with our effort to create the only port on the US East Coast with channels deep enough and wide enough to handle two-way movement ULCVs, and we have the necessary foundational components to drive cargo growth here for decades to come," commented Edwards.

Author:Container News Team

Link: https://container-news.com/port-of-virginia-sees-double-digit-growth-in-march/

Source: Container News

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